Book Reviews

Book 3: The Cursebreaker Series


The last and final book of the series. I was scared to read this book. After A Heart So Fierce and Broken, I was left conflicted and concerned. The direction the plot was going in, and how some characters were treated, really bothered me, and I knew that the final book in this series will make me love it, or hate it.

I love it.

But let’s talk about all of our characters. We spend time with each of the main four protagonists in this book. In my opinion, Harper and Rhen stole the show. There was so much going on in their point of view, and I loved hearing more of their side of what happened in the previous books and how they’re dealing with the decisions they made. There was so much depth and development for both of them (especially Rhen), and I couldn’t have been happier.
Lia Mara and Gray also get point-of-view chapters, and I did enjoy them, but I found their development to be a little weaker in comparison. Although, to be honest, it’d be pretty hard to compare to Harper and Rhen’s story here.

“I’m realizing that I got so caught up in the poor choices you made I forgot that you knew how to make good ones.”

Rhen is and will always remain the best thing of this series. The way he took all the brute of Lillith’s torture to protect his people and Harper, really hurt the deepest part of me. And after everything that happened, how can he NOT get the ending he deserved. Like what is even the point of book 1 and 2 if we are here. I think he redeemed himself plenty before reaching here. And it’s not like he was the only one with poor choices.

He suffered from Lillith’s torture. He was the one, whose guards and family were killed. He lost an eye. He lost Harper for a while. He lost his friend. He begged to be killed multiple times. And then he lost his kingdom? The only thing that had kept him going for so long and would have even had him going through everything again if he had a chance, he could protect it so I was a little disappointed at the ending.

“Go ahead,” she whispers. “Take me home. Let’s see how long you live on my side.”– Harper

Harper is still my cool badass girl. I love her. Literally, everything about her makes her one of the best female protagonists!! She can be kind and helping but when necessary, she can just pin the scariest enchantress to the ground.

Grey If you leave behind how he went from I-don’t-want-your-throne to can-you-be-my-advisor, I actually like him. Definitely not to the same extent as Rhen (that’s immeasurable) but I liked how he did have something for Rhen. How he did want to help in the middle of the impossible situation.

Rhen and Harper After a very long time, I got to read about a really beautiful relationship. In spite of the choices, they made they stood together and understood each other.

Rhen and Grey
Grey clasps my hand, his grip tight. “You and me, Brother. For the good of all.”
Despite everything that happened between them, all those betrayals, stupid choices, miscommunications, or lack of communication, these two have a beautiful relationship. Both feel for each other. It was made clear from the very start that neither of them wanted a war. My eyes might have moistened at their reunion.

Grey and Harper

“As I said once before, I could have chosen no one better, my lady.”
That is one friendship that’s done so well. I really loved all those moments they talked about because it felt like Harper knew Grey’s depths more than Lia Mara.

 Brigid Kemmerer‘s prose is beautiful, her dialogues well-written and witty; the way she casually disperses truths deep and meaningful. There is this sense of longing an immense sadness in her writing instills, which keeps an emotional hold on our head and heart – all of which make for the best form of blissful escapism. No need to think; just feel and join four (mostly) equally lovable characters – Rhen and Harper, Grey and Lia Mara – on their journey. Blood is spilled. Like a lot of blood. And yes, I loved that too. HEHE!

Beauty and the Beast have not been my favorite story. But this series is proof it can be done without it seeming totally inappropriate or wrong. I’m impressed.

And again, my favorite beautiful quotes in this book

“I’m confident in my strengths, but that doesn’t mean I don’t think about my weaknesses.”

“I often find comfort in the thought that fate has already drawn a path beyond what seems impossible.”

“You once told me that when the world seems darkest, there exists the greatest opportunity for light.”
She nods at me in the mirror, but then her eyes fill again.
“Sometimes I worry that the light can be doused too easily.”
“Then we just light it again,”

Overall, it was an excellent series and I really really enjoyed it…  would definitely give (9.5/10) and I had to take down .5 for the ending of Rhen which I think could have been a little happier for him.

1 thought on “Book 3: The Cursebreaker Series”

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